
Braised Chicken with Artichokes and Olives

Fall means two things: cooler temperatures and the holidays. During this time of year you have Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. It’s time to stop thinking about salads and start thinking about hot, hearty meals. Meals that stick to your ribs and make you feel all warm and cozy inside. Meals like this braised chicken with olives and artichokes.

I love a good chicken dish. Chicken is one of those proteins you can have year round, but depending on how you prepare it, makes it into a spring, summer, fall or winter dish. You can enjoy breasts over a bed of greens in the spring, grill some spicy thighs in the middle of summer or braise a full chicken in the fall. I love braising my proteins. Sure, it takes a little longer than grilling or sautéing, but the flavors you get in return are so worth the time. They’re rich and warm, and truly hearty. The kind of meal that sticks to your ribs and keeps you coming back for more.

What makes braising so special? It allows the ingredients time to really come together, and turns a basic chicken (or beef) dish into something really special. Something that’s full of warm, rich flavors. Flavors that you wouldn’t get if you just roasted the protein. Don’t get me wrong, I love a nice roasted chicken. The crispy skin alone makes me want to just grab that roasting pan, toss in the chicken and eat in under an hour. But taking the time to coat the chicken pieces in flour and then simmer them in homemade chicken broth, herbs and spices brings a peace that can’t be matched. Not to mention the smells that fill the house are hard to beat. Hearing my boys enter the house after a long day of school and sports yell out “Oooh what’s that? Smells good! When’s dinner?” brings a big smile to my face that’s hard to beat.

The flavors will change depending on what you braise the protein in. While there’s always wine and/or chicken broth, what else you throw in the pan is limitless. This time around the flavors are Mediterranean thanks to the olives, oregano and garlic. The olives not only add a wonderful hit of briny salinity, they bring more depth to the dish. Then, if you want to take the Mediterranean experience even further you can serve the chicken over couscous or pasta. I went with orzo this time around because I love those little pasta bites. They make a nice, unexpected alternative to the classic rice or couscous. But whatever you choose to serve with the chicken, the final dish is a delicious way to welcome in fall and keep you sated through all those chilly nights to come.