Holiday Recipes, Side Dishes

Zucchini Pancakes

Tonight is the 4th night of Hanukkah which means we’re right in the middle of the festive holiday. By now you’ve gotten a few presents and have probably eaten plenty of latkes, brisket and sufganiyot (jelly filled donuts). I love this time of year because it’s eight nights of delicious food, driedel, celebration and food! (I know I already said food, but I’m Jewish. It’s always about the food.)

There are certain Jewish delicacies of which I can never get enough: brisket, noodle kugel, fried matzah and latkes. Latkes are just fancy potato pancakes: shredded potatoes mixed with plenty of salt, onions, matzah meal and eggs that are then deep fried into round, crispy deliciousness. I would totally eat them year round… if we made them at other times besides Hanukkah. I never understand why we don’t make them throughout the year. We always say we should, and then we never do. But I digress.

Latkes! I love a good latke, and while I’m always available for the classic, all potato version, in recent years, I’ve started changing things up. I’ve added scallions, apples and zucchini to the white potatoes, and I even tried sweet potato pancakes one year (not my favorite). So, since I’ve been adding things to the potatoes, this time I decided to substitute the potato. I know, it’s not traditional, but with eight nights, it’s fun to pick one night to go completely off book. I loved the year that we added zucchini to the potatoes, so this year I decided to toss the potatoes altogether and just do zucchini. They were absolutely delicious!

You know those restaurant zucchini fries? Sliced zucchini covered in seasoned breadcrumbs and deep fried? I love them! They’re one of my all time favorite appetizers. Well, these pancakes from Better Homes and Gardens remind me of those yummy apps. While they aren’t breaded, they are deep fried and have the same amazing flavor those little green sticks have, especially with the onion and Parmesan cheese mixed in. So, since we all had the classic latkes on Sunday night (don’t deny it), why not mix things up for one of the four remaining nights, and make these delectable zucchini pancakes instead? They’re a nice change of pace and not nearly as fattening.